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NextGen Automation acquires Corporate Business Solutions (CBS) Edmonton.
By NextGen Automation 01 May, 2024
Explore how NextGen Automation's acquisition of Corporate Business Solutions (CBS) accelerates our growth and innovation. This move enhances our services, expands our product offerings, and strengthens our ties in the Edmonton area. With new partnerships and the integration of CBS's expertise, we're setting new standards in the industry. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to evolve and serve our clients better.
By NextGen Automation 29 Apr, 2024
Explore crucial cybersecurity insights drawn from the London Drugs cyberattack. Understand the risks and learn how to implement effective strategies to safeguard your business against future cyber threats.
By NextGen Automation 26 Mar, 2024
1. Unusual Account Activity: Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs Unusual account activity is your system’s way of waving a red flag. Think of it as a polite nudge when something out of the ordinary is happening, like login attempts at odd hours or from unexpected locations. It's easy to dismiss these alerts as glitches or mistakes, but that could be akin to ignoring smoke before seeing the fire. Here’s what you need to do: Take these alerts seriously. Change your passwords immediately—make sure they are strong and unique. Review your account logs to see what was accessed or altered. It’s like checking all the doors and windows when you notice something amiss at home. Acting swiftly can prevent minor issues from ballooning into full-blown catastrophes. So, when your system tells you something's off, listen. It’s much easier to tackle a potential security issue head-on than to deal with the consequences of ignoring it.
By NextGen Automation 26 Mar, 2024
In the dynamic world of technology, where innovation and creativity know no bounds, it's crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the diverse minds fueling this industry's evolution. As part of our commitment to diversity and empowerment, we are proud to shine a spotlight on the remarkable women who are part of this journey, breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks in the tech landscape. Today, we're not just celebrating women in tech; we're giving voice to their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this spirit, we had the privilege of sitting down with one of our very own trailblazers, Kelsey Nolting-Pecarskie, whose journey in the tech field is both inspiring and illuminating. Join us as we delve into her story, uncovering the lessons learned and the wisdom gained on her path through the tech world. 
By NextGen Automation 22 Mar, 2024
Let's get to the point: your IT infrastructure is crucial. It's not merely a part of your business; it's what keeps everything running smoothly. An outdated system isn't just a minor inconvenience; it's a barrier to your business's success. But there's a silver lining. Upgrading your IT infrastructure can lead to significant efficiency gains, not to mention the peace of mind that comes with reliability and speed. Let's explore how you can start enhancing your systems today with some straightforward, practical steps. Ready to dive in?
By NextGen Automation 08 Mar, 2024
Discover essential spring cleaning tips for your IT infrastructure tailored specifically for medium-sized businesses. Learn how to audit, update, and secure your systems to boost efficiency and ensure a streamlined, safe IT environment.
By NextGen Automation 13 Feb, 2024
In the world of office dynamics, the relationship we share with our technology can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster romance. One moment, it's smooth sailing, and the next, you're troubleshooting why the printer has decided to ghost you right before a major meeting.  But fear not! Just like in any lasting relationship, a little care, understanding, and regular check-ins can go a long way. Here are some insider tips to keep the love (and functionality) alive between you and your office equipment. 1. Communication is Key: Understand Your Tech's Language First things first, understanding the language of your office technology is crucial. And no, we don't mean taking a crash course in binary code. It's about knowing the signs of wear, understanding error messages, and being familiar with the user manual (yes, it's time to dig it out from the bottom drawer). Regularly checking for software updates and understanding what your technology is telling you can prevent small issues from turning into full-blown breakdowns. 2. Keep the Spark Alive: Regular Maintenance Just like any long-term relationship, your tech needs consistent care and attention to keep the spark alive. Schedule regular maintenance sessions to clean your equipment, update software, and check for any wear and tear. For printers, this means cleaning print heads and replacing cartridges before they run dry. For computers, it's about decluttering hard drives and running antivirus scans. Think of it as taking your tech out for a regular spa day; it deserves it! 3. Quality Time Matters: Proper Usage Every piece of office equipment has its own set of needs and limits, and respecting these is key to a harmonious relationship. Overburdening your printer with more pages than it can handle or leaving your computer on 24/7 can lead to premature wear and tear. Ensure you're using your equipment as intended—no using the scanner as a coffee table, please! Treating your tech with care ensures it will be there for you when you need it most. 4. Listening to Needs: Upgrades and Updates Listening and adapting to the needs of your office equipment can significantly extend its lifespan. Regular software updates and timely hardware upgrades can rejuvenate your tech, keeping it up to speed with your business's growing demands. Ignoring update notifications is akin to neglecting your partner's needs—eventually, the relationship suffers. Stay proactive about keeping your tech current, and it will continue to support you in return. 5. Know When to Let Go: Recognizing the End Finally, recognizing when it's time to part ways is a crucial aspect of any relationship, including the one with your office equipment. No amount of maintenance can immortalize your tech, and holding onto outdated equipment can hinder your productivity. Understanding when to upgrade to a newer model is essential. It's not about discarding the old; it's about welcoming new opportunities for growth and efficiency. Conclusion Cultivating a lasting relationship with your office equipment doesn't have to be a laborious affair. With a bit of care, understanding, and regular maintenance, you can ensure that your tech remains a reliable companion through thick and thin. Remember, a happy tech life contributes to a happy work life. So, here's to many more years of productivity, efficiency, and, most importantly, a harmonious relationship with your office technology. Let the love (and functionality) live on!
Finding the Perfect Printer
By NextGen Automation 12 Feb, 2024
Finding 'The One' isn't just for romantics—it's for printers too! Dive into our Matchmaker’s Guide to Printers and discover how to spark a lasting connection with your perfect print partner. Say goodbye to printer heartbreak and hello to a match made in tech heaven! Ready to meet your match? Click the link to find your print soulmate today!
By NextGen Automation 09 Jan, 2024
Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with Microsoft Co-Pilot! Discover the Secret to Boosting Productivity and Profits – Don't Miss Out
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